
Areas of Focus Treated

Anxiety & Panic/ Obsessions/ Fears & Phobias:

Everyone has moments of anxiety, obsessing, fears, and or panic. However, when it starts to interfere with your daily routines, it can be helpful to find pathways to get you through the “panic storm”. It is important as well to free yourself from an obsessive loop of thoughts, behaviors, & rituals. This can give you the opportunity to “gain back time” in your life, as well as assist in finding inner peace and joy.

Merrill uses an integrative approach including but not exclusive to cognitive behavioral therapy, systematic desensitization, exposure & response prevention, breath-work, hypnosis, relaxation, LifeForce Yoga, mindfulness, reiki/light body healings to manage one’s anxiety and obsessions.

Hypnosis/Past Life Regression:

It isn’t always easy to get to a “zen” state of mind. Hypnosis offers a way for someone to get deeply relaxed. In this state one can be more open to suggestions to shift their perspective in their waking state.
Past Life Regression can be a revealing hypnotic process to help someone heal and understand the impact how their past influences their current path in this life.

Reiki & Light Body Healings:

Reiki is a gentle non-invasive practice. It works with your seven major chakras to help balance and clear your physical body, your emotional body, and your spiritual body. The practitioner can either place their hands on or above the body. Reiki doesn’t require physical touch. You can even offer reiki from a distance.
Anyone can learn how to give reiki treatments to others. It often is described by others as a feeling of “coming home”, recalling who they really are.

Light Body Healings is also a non-invasive energy practice. Reiki tends to work with the 7 major chakras while Light Body works with energy centers (including chakras) and beyond into the quantum field of healing. Just like Reiki you don’t need to touch the person and can work from a distance. The shifts are often felt rapidly and healing can occur swiftly. Just like reiki, anyone can benefit from learning how to give light body healings.

Remember, we are not only physical beings , but also are energetic beings. Everyone and everything on this planet and beyond has an energetic vibration and “pulse”.

Relationships/Communication, Assertiveness, Empowerment & Love/Life Challenges & Transitions:

Who couldn’t benefit from learning better communication styles and feel more empowered in your life? Life is full of challenges and transitions. Sometimes we all need a little guidance about becoming a better communicator; both with ourselves and others. With all the twists and turns of life, it can be helpful to explore how your past as well as all your interactions have impacted you on your present life. This can help you have the best future possible!

Spiritual Awakenings/intuitive Guidance and Healings:

We all have abilities. Many times intuitive and supportive guidance can help navigate the awakening journey process. Having experienced many “spiritual upgrades” herself, Merrill hopes to help “shed light”, so you may awaken to your best and truest self.


It isn’t always an easy task to stay in the present. Many revisit the past and or worry about the future. It isn’t helpful to your state of being to be in “What If” land and or “Future trip”. There are numerous ways to relax and or meditate. Through Merrill’s integrative approach she can explore ways to achieve a relaxed, calm state of being so you can become centered, grounded, and peaceful.

Individual/Group Classes:

Gentle Yoga/Life Force Yoga
Restorative Yoga
Healing Meditation Circle – “Messages from the Masters and Beyond”


Light body Healing trainings
Usui Reiki Trainings


There will be workshops on a variety of topics either facilitated by myself and or other practitioners.

For more information on the above groups/classes/workshops please visit the monthly schedule at the Celestial Radiance Center website.